

Jonah Richardson is a nutritionist and soon-to-be dietitian. He is passionate for food and health and we are excited to have him join our team! Jonah joined St. Louis Boxing Club about a year ago with his wife.  They are dog owners and lovers of the great outdoors. Being true St. Louisans, they root for the Cards and the Blues always!

Jonas has spent the last 10 years learning all he can about nutrition and helping others develop the skills they need to be successful with their goals no matter what they are. His philosophy is to teach you how to love and enjoy all foods, and show you that you can make amazing delicious meals with simple whole food ingredients. He also believes in enjoying all the foods you love while keeping with your goals. No more fad diets or cutting out whole food groups for short-term success. He will help you with long-term success and give you the skills you need to be successful for years to come.

Jonah is available for Nutritional Consultation. Please reach out to us to get it set up!

IG: @kadeknowsfood